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1 LESSON 11 THE SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD: Part II Introduction Objectives Prerequisites Vocabulary Building Decision Table This lesson discusses: 1. the use of the subjunctive mood after a main clause that expresses emotion; and 2. irregular and stem changing verbs in the present subjunctive. Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: 1. conjugate irregular verbs in the present subjunctive 2. conjugate stem changing verbs in the present subjunctive 3. use the subjunctive in the dependent clause after verbs denoting emotion You should be already familiar with: Lessons 1-10 You are encouraged to use a dictionary to expand your vocabulary. If you are already familiar with the objectives, proceed to Lesson 12 on page

2 IRREGULAR VERBS IN THE PRESENTSUBJUNCTIVE Introduction All irregular verbs, except SER, SABER, IR, and DAR add the present subjunctive endings to the irregular stem of the verb. Conjugation of irrregular verbs in the present tense SUBJUNCTIVE TENER VENIR (TENG-) (VENG-) Yo tenga venga Tú tengas vengas Él/Ella/Usted tenga venga Nosotros tengamos vengamos Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes tengan vengan IR DAR SABER SER IR DAR SABER SER (to go) (to give) (to know) (to be) vaya dé sepa sea vayas des sepas seas vaya dé sepa sea vayamos demos sepamos seamos vayan den sepan sean Note: The verb dar is regular in the present subjunctive, except for the written accent on dé to differentiate it from the preposition de. 207

3 PRACTICE ACTIVITY I Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present tense subjunctive: 1. que yo (venir) 2. que él (salir) 3. que tú (saber) 4. que nosotros (tener) 5. que María (hacer) 6. que ellos (decir) 7. que usted (poner) 8. que ella y yo (ir) 9. que ustedes (ser) 10. que él (dar) Go to page 214 to check your responses. 208

4 STEM CHANGING VERBS Introduction -AR -ER The -AR and ER, and -IR ending verbs which undergo a stem change in the present indicative do the same in the present subjunctive. CONTAR (to count) PERDER (to loose) o to ue cuente e to ie pierda o to ue cuenste e to ie pierdas o to ue cuente e to ie pierda No change contemos No change perdamos o to ue cuenten e to ie pierdan -IR SENTIR (to feel) MORIR (to die) e to ie sienta o to ue muera e to ie sientas o to ue mueras e to ie sienta o to ue muera e to i sintamos o to u muramos e to ie sientan o to ue mueran PEDIR SERVIR PEDIR (to ask) SERVIR (to serve) e to i pida sirva e to i pidas sirvas e to i pida sirva e to i pidamos sirvamos e to i pidan sirvan Note: Other verbs that undergo stem changes are: CERRAR (to close), PODER (can, to be able), MORDER (to bite), VOLVER (to return), QUERER (to want) 209

5 PRACTICE ACTIVITY II Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present tense subjunctive: 1. que yo (dormir) 2. que tú (morir) 3. que él (servir) 4. que nosotros (pedir) 5. que María (contar) 6. que usted (perder) 7. que ellos (dormir) 8. que yo (querer) 9. que ustedes (poder) 10. que él (morder) Go to page 215 to check your responses. 210

6 EXPRESSING EMOTION Introduction Examples Ojalá Other Expressions of Emotion Impersonal Expressions Verbs that express emotion in the main clause require the use of the subjunctive in the dependent clause. It is necessary that there be different subjects in the main and dependent clauses. The Subjunctive is used in the dependent clause when the main clause implies emotion: Me alegro que tú vengas. (I am happy that you are coming) Es fantástico que él vaya. (It is fantastic that he is going.) Temo que Pablo cante. (I am afraid that Pablo will sing.) Ojalá is an impersonal expression that means to want or wish something intensely. It is always followed by the subjunctive. Example: Ojalá que los niňos hagan la tarea. temer (to fear), sentir (to be sorry), es lástima (it is a pity). Example: Temo que ellos vengan. The main clause indicates emotion. There are separate subjects in both clauses. The following expressions, when appearing in the main clause, are always preceded by an indirect object: Entusiasmar (to be enthusiastic), molestar (to be bothered), and gustar (to be pleased), sorprender (to be surprised), alegrar (to be happy about) Example: Me gusta que bailes. Note: Impersonal expressions always use verbs conjugated in the third person singular (gusta). 211

7 PRACTICE ACTIVITY III Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis: 1. Es lástima que Manuel (venir). 2. Siento que ella (comer) tanto. 3. Me molesta que Javier no (hacer) la tarea. 4. Ojalá que ellos (terminar) pronto. 5. Temes que yo (decir) eso. 6. No me gusta que los niňos (ver) la televisión. 7. Te sorprende que nosotros (hablar) de ese asunto. 8. Nos alegra que ella (comprender) la lección. 9. Me entusiasma que la seňora López (saber) la buena noticia. 10. Le alegra que tú (hacer) el trabajo. Go to page 216 to check your responses. 212

8 LESSON TEST I. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present tense subjunctive: 1. que ella (venir) 11. que nosotros (dormir) 2. que Juan (tener) 12. que tú (servir) 3. que yo (decir) 13. que él y yo (pedir) 4. que ellos (hacer) 14. que yo (contar) 5. que nosotros (poner) 15. que María (morir) 6. que ustedes (dar) 16. que ellos (querer) 7. que usted (ser) 17. que Mario (perder) 8. que ellos (ir) 18. que usted (volver) 9. que yo (salir) 19. que ustedes (cerrar) 10. que tú (hacer) 20. que tú y él (poder) II. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parenthesis: 1. Es lástima que nosotros (estudiar) tan poco. 2. Ojalá que ella (pedir) permiso. 3. Me gusta que los niňos (aprender) en la escuela. 4. Me molesta que tú (cantar) esa canción. 5. Te sorprende que él (ser) tan fresco. 6. Siente que nosotros no (hacer) el esfuerzo. 7. Tememos que ellos (regaňar) a los niňos. 8. Me alegro que mi madre (dar) el ejemplo. 9. Nos entusiasma que Juan (ir) con nosotros. 10. Temo que ella (dormir) temprano. Go to page 217 to check your responses. 213

9 ANSWER KEY Practice Activity I 1. venga 2. salga 3. sepas 4. tengamos 5. haga 6. digan 7. ponga 8. vayamos 9. sean 10. dé 214

10 ANSWER KEY Practice Activity II 1. duerma 2. mueras 3. sirva 4. pidamos 5. cuente 6. pierda 7. duerman 8. quiera 9. puedan 10. muerda 215

11 ANSWER KEY Practice Activity III 1. venga 2. coma 3. haga 4. terminen 5. diga 6. vean 7. hablemos 8. comprenda 9. sepa 10. hagas 216

12 ANSWER KEY Lesson Test I. 1. venga 6. den 2. tenga 7. sea 3. diga 8. vayan 4. hagan 9. salga 5. pongamos 10. hagas 11. durmamos 16. quieran 12. sirvas 17. pierda 13. pidamos 18. vuelva 14. cuente 19. cierren 15. muera 20. puedan II. 1. estudiemos 6. hagamos 2. pida 7. regaňen 3. aprendan 8. dé 4. cantes 9. vaya 5. sea 10. duerma 217

13 LESSON TEST DECISION TABLE Decision Table If You took the lesson test as a pretest and you scored 100% You missed more than two questions in section I (1-10) You missed more than two questions in section I (11-20) You missed more than 2 answers in section II You missed fewer than two questions in each section Then Go to next lesson Go back to page 207 Go back to page 209 Go back to page 211 Congratulations! You are ready for the next lesson 218


LESSON 3 SER Y ESTAR LESSON 3 SER Y ESTAR Introduction Objectives Prerequisites Vocabulary Building Decision Table Ser y Estar mean to be. However, in Spanish they are two entirely different verbs. In this lesson, the student

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Los Mandatos Commands Por: Martha Abeille Profesora de Español

Los Mandatos Commands Por: Martha Abeille Profesora de Español Los Mandatos Commands Por: Martha Abeille Profesora de Español MENU Meaning Types of Mandatos (Commands) Mandatos with Irregular verbs Mandatos and Direct and Indirect Objects Exercise Press the Esc Key

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In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future.

In English, present progressive can be used to describe what is happening now, or what will happen in the future. Present Progressive The present progressive is formed by combining the verb "to be" with the present participle. (The present participle is merely the "-ing" form of a verb.) I am studying. I am studying

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Los Verbos de Cambio Radical

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PRESENTE DE SUBJUNTIVO IRREGULARIDADES PRESENTE DE SUBJUNTIVO IRREGULARIDADES 1) PRIMERA CONJUGACIÓN: verbos terminados en ar. Diptongación. La vocal de la raíz forma un diptongo: e -> ie. Verbo modelo: pensar piense pienses piense pensemos

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LESSON 4 THE PRETERITE TENSE LESSON 4 THE PRETERITE TENSE Introduction Objectives Prerequisites The preterite is one of the two past tenses of Spanish. It is used to refer to an action that is complete and did not happen frequently.

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Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance

Quiero comer comida china I want to eat Chinese food Me gusta bailar I like to dance In Spanish, many useful expressions are formed by combining two verbs. When this occurs, the first verb is conjugated, while the second verb remains in the infinitive form. Quiero comer comida china I

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Español 102: Capítulo 11 Answer Key

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LECCIÓN 34. Presente de subjuntivo: verbos regulares e irregulares

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LECCIÓN 8: QUINTA PARTE. Double Object Pronouns

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Unit 4 1 Assessment Study Packet

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Los Verbos Reflexivos

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Welcome to lesson 2 of the The Spanish Cat Home learning Spanish course.

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Los Verbos Reflexivos

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DUE DATE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 2015 Nombre: Clase: 1 2 3 4 6 DUE DATE: MONDAY, OCTOBER 19TH 2015 Instrucciones: This Fall Break Review Packet is to be completed and returned in class on Monday, October 19th. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED

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The present participle of -ar verbs adds to the verrb stem the ending -ando. For -er and -ir verbs the ending is -iendo.

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Stem-changing verbs: poder and dormir

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Examen de Ubicación Nivel l

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Conjugación de Verbos seleccionados (Imperativo, y Presentes de Indicativo y Subjuntivo)

Conjugación de Verbos seleccionados (Imperativo, y Presentes de Indicativo y Subjuntivo) http://www.cepamarm.es Español Avanzado ESG - 12/2011 Pág. 1 de 4 -AR -ER -IR -AR -ER -IR -AR -ER -IR -o -o -o 2ªS Tú s s s s s s 3ªS Él / Vd. 1ªP Nosotros mos mos -imos mos mos mos 2ªP Vosotros is is

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El presente. Verbos irregulares en el presente. Sra. Gonzalez Mt Hebron High School

El presente. Verbos irregulares en el presente. Sra. Gonzalez Mt Hebron High School El presente Verbos irregulares en el presente Verbos irregulares en el presente There are a number of irregular verbs in every verb tense in Spanish. Can u name ten? While some patterns do exist, these

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Imperativos Mandatos

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La Cita de Mi Verano. By: Dayona McNeil, Mabintu Donzo and Terrance williams

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Tus comidas favoritas

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(Thank You Teachers!)

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An explanation by Sr. Jordan

An explanation by Sr. Jordan & An explanation by Sr. Jdan direct object pronouns We usually use Direct Object Pronouns to substitute f it them in a sentence when the it them follows the verb. Because of gender, him and her could also

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Lección número 1 Lesson 1. Lección número 2 Lesson 2. Lección número 3 Lesson 3. Un breve diálogo A short conversation

Lección número 1 Lesson 1. Lección número 2 Lesson 2. Lección número 3 Lesson 3. Un breve diálogo A short conversation Lección número 1 Lesson 1 Un breve diálogo A short conversation Hay una farmacia cerca? Is there a pharmacy nearby? Preguntas y respuestas Questions and Answers A qué hora abren? A qué hora cierran? What

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The power to control diabetes is in your hands.

The power to control diabetes is in your hands. The power to control diabetes is in your hands. Lots of people with diabetes test their own blood sugar regularly. This helps them know if the things they do to control diabetes are working. Then, they

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Para empezar El 1 de diciembre (A-Day) El 2 de diciembre (B-Day) 1. Cómo es tu amigo? (5 things) 2. De dónde es?

Para empezar El 1 de diciembre (A-Day) El 2 de diciembre (B-Day) 1. Cómo es tu amigo? (5 things) 2. De dónde es? Unit 4 Me gusta Para empezar El 1 de diciembre (A-Day) El 2 de diciembre (B-Day) 1. Cómo es tu amigo? (5 things) 2. De dónde es? 1. My name is Alberto. I am 15 years old. I have brown hair and blue eyes.

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TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary. An Activity in 4 Steps

TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary. An Activity in 4 Steps TEACHER TOOLS: Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary An Activity in 4 Steps Teaching Kids Spanish Vocabulary Lesson for Spanish Teachers Learning new vocabulary words in Spanish is an important element in the

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Spanish 1 Grammar Flipbook

Spanish 1 Grammar Flipbook Spanish 1 Grammar Flipbook This will be a quiz grade. You will be expected to keep it for Spanish 2 and have it with you the first week (for ANOTHER quiz grade) You will need 5 sheets of blank paper. Follow

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El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes.

El condicional Recordatorio: Conditional is used for 2 purposes. El condicional Recordatorio de la función: The conditional tense is how we say would en español. The word would does not exist en español. Instead, take the verb that follows would in the idea that you

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A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto

A cenar! 58 A primera vista Vocabulario y gramática en contexto Fecha Practice Workbook 3B 1 A cenar! A. You are having a party, and you need to make a shopping list. Write at least three items that you might want to buy under each category. You may use vocabulary

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Qué te gusta hacer? 20 Below is Karen s after-school and weekend calendar. Based on the calendar, how would she describe each day s activities?

Qué te gusta hacer? 20 Below is Karen s after-school and weekend calendar. Based on the calendar, how would she describe each day s activities? Qué te gusta hacer? 18 Make two columns: things people generally do every day during the week (todos los días), and things they do on weekends (los fines de semana). VOCABULARIO 2 ir a la playa hablar

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Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight

Learning Masters. Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning Masters Fluent: Wind, Water, and Sunlight What I Learned List the three most important things you learned in this theme. Tell why you listed each one. 1. 2. 3. 22 Wind, Water, and Sunlight Learning

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Vermont Mini-Lessons: Leaving A Voicemail

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Spanish I verbs & grammar- Para Empezar - Chapter 4B

Spanish I verbs & grammar- Para Empezar - Chapter 4B Spanish I verbs & grammar- Para Empezar - Chapter 4B Know how to conjugate: Regular AR verbs O AMOS AS ÁIS A AN 1. bailar (1A) 2. cantar (1A) 3. dibujar (1A) 4. enseñar (2A) *Don t forget to always include

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GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES GUIDE FOR PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES A parent-teacher conference is a chance for you and your child s teacher to talk. You can talk about how your child is learning at home and at school. This list will

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UNIDAD 1 ETAPA 1 WS#1 PEOPLE, PROFESSIONS. When telling a person s profession, the word a/an (un, una) is not used in Spanish.

UNIDAD 1 ETAPA 1 WS#1 PEOPLE, PROFESSIONS. When telling a person s profession, the word a/an (un, una) is not used in Spanish. UNIDAD 1 ETAPA 1 WS#1 PEOPLE, PROFESSIONS When telling a person s profession, the word a/an (un, una) is not used in Spanish. Ex: He is a doctor. = Es doctor. A. Identify each person by profession (Es

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IRS DATA RETRIEVAL NOTIFICATION DEPENDENT STUDENT ESTIMATOR IRS DATA RETRIEVAL NOTIFICATION DEPENDENT STUDENT ESTIMATOR Subject: Important Updates Needed for Your FAFSA Dear [Applicant], When you completed your 2012-2013 Free Application for Federal Student Aid

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Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-.

Instructor: She just said that she s Puerto Rican. Escucha y repite la palabra Puerto Rican -for a man-. Learning Spanish Like Crazy Spoken Spanish Lección once Instructor: Cómo se dice Good afternoon? René: Buenas tardes. Buenas tardes. Instructor: How do you ask a woman if she s Colombian. René: Eres Colombiana?

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Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #6 - No tengo tiempo para ninguna otra cosa. PDF - Beginner Plus. www.cactuslanguagetraining.

Español. Learn a language your way! Lesson #6 - No tengo tiempo para ninguna otra cosa. PDF - Beginner Plus. www.cactuslanguagetraining. Learn a language your way! PDF - Beginner Plus Lesson #6 - No tengo tiempo para ninguna otra cosa www.cactuslanguagetraining.com/hola Lesson Conversation: Escucha la conversación, primero a una velocidad

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Learning Masters. Early: Force and Motion

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Class 002 - The Method. covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of

Class 002 - The Method. covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of Class 002 - The Method INSTRUCTOR: This is Learning Spanish Like Crazy pod cast number 2. Last week we covered vocabulary for around the house. For example, we will learned the names of certain household

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Español III Los mandatos con pronombres

Español III Los mandatos con pronombres Español III Los mandatos con pronombres TASKS: 1) Saquen Uds. sus apuntes con los mandatos (commands handout & written notes from class) 2) Saquen Uds. su tarea de anoche (WB p. 76) 3) Saquen Uds. su paquete

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Present Subjunctive. comer (to eat) Read and study the subjunctive forms of the stem-changing verbs below. Present Subjunctive

Present Subjunctive. comer (to eat) Read and study the subjunctive forms of the stem-changing verbs below. Present Subjunctive Did You Get It? AVANZA Goal: Level 2 p 339 Presentación de gramática Learn how to form the present subjunctive Then use the subjunctive with ojalá que to express hopes Present Subjunctive with Ojalá Regular

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Hoy es el de 2015 Ayer fue Mañana es. Que tiempo hace hoy?

Hoy es el de 2015 Ayer fue Mañana es. Que tiempo hace hoy? Unit 2.1 Hoy es el de 2015 Ayer fue Mañana es Que tiempo hace hoy? Que clases te gustan? FLY SWATTER Palabra del dia: La hora La fecha: lunes el 9 de noviembre 2015 Tengo A que la clase hora de arte tienes

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Clase y sección: * * * * * * * * * *

Clase y sección: * * * * * * * * * * 11.1 GIVING INSTRUCTIONS: POLITE COMMANDS [DM 396-7] Ejercicio 1 [397] Imagínese que usted es agente de viajes. Conteste las preguntas de sus clientes con un mandato lógico. Si es necesario, use un pronombre

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Lessons Workbook

Lessons Workbook Lessons 41-80 Workbook Exercise 1 (lessons 41-45) Write out the following verbs in all six parts of the present tense: CoffeeBreakSpanish.com 1. hablar 2. comer 3. salir 4. ducharse 5. vestirse Coffee

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Entrevista: el medio ambiente. A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español?

Entrevista: el medio ambiente. A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español? A la caza de vocabulario: come se dice en español? Entrevista: el medio ambiente 1. There are a lot of factories 2. The destruction of the ozone layer 3. In our city there is a lot of rubbish 4. Endangered

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Cómo eres tú? + Descripciones What are you like?

Cómo eres tú? + Descripciones What are you like? Cómo eres tú? + Descripciones What are you like? To ask someone (familiar form): Cómo eres tú? How are you(characteristics)? What are you like? Yo soy. I am. To ask someone (formal form): Cómo es usted?

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Hola! This review packet is information that you should already know or have seen before. When learning a 2 nd language it is

Hola! This review packet is information that you should already know or have seen before. When learning a 2 nd language it is SPA 4CC Summer Review Packet SR. Rosa Hola! This review packet is information that you should already know or have seen before. When learning a 2 nd language it is important to continue practicing during

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Para mi... En mi opinion... Yo pienso que... Creo que... porque...

Para mi... En mi opinion... Yo pienso que... Creo que... porque... Práctica Oral Express and support your opinion Para mi... En mi opinion... Yo pienso que... Creo que...... porque... AGREEMENT UNCERTAINTY DISAGREEMENT Estoy de acuerdo Tal vez No estoy de acuerdo Es cierto

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Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A. Making 3 with Triangles and Chips

Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A. Making 3 with Triangles and Chips Connection from School to Home Kindergarten Math Module 2 Topic A Making 3 with Triangles and Chips Here is a simple activity to help your child learn about composing and decomposing the number 3 and analyzing

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Nombre Clase Fecha Repaso Español 1 Capítulo 1

Nombre Clase Fecha Repaso Español 1 Capítulo 1 Nombre Clase Fecha Repaso Español 1 Capítulo 1 You are teaching Level 1 Spanish at School. It s the middle of May and your County-Wide exam is coming up in just a couple of weeks, so it s time to review

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ACTIVIDADES PARA PRACTICAR EL FUTURO ACTIVIDADES PARA PRACTICAR EL FUTURO INFORMACIÓN PARA EL PROFESOR Objetivos Repaso de la formación del futuro. Verbos con futuro irregular. Uso del futuro en oraciones condicionales. Práctica de escritura,

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Apéndice R -El Subjuntivo

Apéndice R -El Subjuntivo Apéndice R -El Subjuntivo La formación Recuerdan Uds.? Remember how to form negative tú commands? The subjunctive is formed the same way. Follow these steps: 1. Take the yo form in the present tense. 2.

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Nueva confirmación de pedido de compra con cambios: proveedor ES

Nueva confirmación de pedido de compra con cambios: proveedor ES Ayuda de trabajo Nueva confirmación de pedido de compra con cambios: proveedor ES Step 1. This Supplier portal activity lists the steps necessary for confirming a new purchase order with changes on price,

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Flashcards Series 5 El Agua

Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards Series 5 El Agua Flashcards are one of the quickest and easiest ways to test yourself on Spanish vocabulary, no matter where you are! Test yourself on just these flashcards at first. Then, as

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The compound tenses are formed by using the appropriate tense of the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle.

The compound tenses are formed by using the appropriate tense of the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle. Compound Tenses The compound tenses are formed by using the appropriate tense of the auxiliary verb haber and the past participle. Formation of the Past Participle The past participle is formed by dropping

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El verbo compuesto. Los progresivos y los perfectos

El verbo compuesto. Los progresivos y los perfectos El verbo compuesto Los progresivos y los perfectos El progresivo un verbo compuesto Se forma: verbo auxiliar, ESTAR + el verbo principal en el GERUNDIO El GERUNDIO se conjuga en una forma, y no pertenece

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Vocabulario. Una rutina diferente! Match. Write the word that means the opposite. Write all the parts of the body you can remember in Spanish.

Vocabulario. Una rutina diferente! Match. Write the word that means the opposite. Write all the parts of the body you can remember in Spanish. Una rutina diferente! Vocabulario Match. 1. despertarse a. el pelo 2. acostarse b. en el espejo 3. lavarse c. por la noche 4. peinarse d. en una silla 5. sentarse e. temprano por la mañana 6. mirarse f.

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3:45 - (son las) cuatro menos cuarto/ tres y cuarenta y cinco ENG: a quarter to four/ Three forty five.

3:45 - (son las) cuatro menos cuarto/ tres y cuarenta y cinco ENG: a quarter to four/ Three forty five. LECCIÓN 20 ENG: Lesson 20 TIEMPO Parte 2 ENG: Time part 2 Qué hora es? 8:15 - (son las) ocho y cuarto/ocho y quince. ENG: it is eight fifteen. 12:30 - (son las) doce y media/ doce (y) treinta. ENG: it

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EN / ES Airtribune Live tracking Instructions

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Level 1 Spanish, 2010

Level 1 Spanish, 2010 9 0 1 2 5 L P 1 Level 1 Spanish, 2010 90125 Listen to and understand simple spoken Spanish in familiar contexts Credits: Six 9.30 am Tuesday 30 November 2010 LISTENING PASSAGE BOOKLET This booklet contains:

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El Viaje de Dumbo. : Hillary Blair


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Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response

Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GCE Centre Number Candidate Number Spanish Advanced Unit 4: Research, Understanding and Written Response Tuesday 12 June 2012 Afternoon Time: 2 hours 30

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How might you ask for the following information while on vacation in Mexico? Use the impersonal se.

How might you ask for the following information while on vacation in Mexico? Use the impersonal se. Gramática y verbos Capítulo 5 p. 135 The impersonal se Used only with 3 rd person singular, expresses you, people, one, they, etc. Examples: One speaks Spanish in Mexico. Se habla español en México. They

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